! 安全声明 !

! Security Announcements !

Receiving Security Advisories


The best way to receive any and all security announcements is to subscribe to the Akka security list.

接收任何/所有安全声明的最佳方式是订阅 Akka 安全列表

The mailing list is very low traffic, and receives notifications only after security reports have been managed by the core team and fixes are publicly available.


Reporting Vulnerabilities


We strongly encourage people to report such problems to our private security mailing list first, before disclosing them in a public forum.


Following best-practice, we strongly encourage anyone to report potential security vulnerabilities to security@akka.io before disclosing them in a public forum like the mailing list or as a Github issue.

下列最佳实践,我们强烈建议任何人在公共论坛(如:邮件列表或 Github issue)上披露之前,报告潜在安全漏洞到 security@akka.io

Reports to this email address will be handled by our security team, who will work together with you to ensure that a fix can be provided without delay.


Fixed Security Vulnerabilities


Fixed in Akka HTTP 10.1.5 & 10.0.14

Fixed in Akka HTTP 10.0.6 &

Fixed in Akka HTTP 10.0.2 &

Fixed in Akka HTTP 2.4.11

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